1. Spend Wisely
Watch your credit cards. Most students carry one or more credit cards for their own
convenience. However, it can also be a double edged sword that points back at
us since credit cards can pay off our purchases regardless of how much we
actually have. If we spend more than we ought to, which means exceeding the amount
we can afford, we will find ourselves in debt trouble in the long run! This can also become a snowball effect if we pay off our debt
with another credit card. Be smart and
manage your money well. Always remember to pay your debt in full within the
credit period. If you find yourself struggling with debt, you can always discuss it with your
2. Save for Necessities
penny you saved is a penny you earned.” When deliberating on a purchase, ask yourself ‘do I really need it?’ before spending the money. Successful marketers tend to come up with attractive advertisements for products. Do not fall for them. Remember the theories in our economic class: People face trade-offs. If we spend more on unnecessary things,
you will find yourself having much less money for necessities. Therefore, never
let the urge to buy luxury goods drive you. Always relate back to the above question
and think it through rationally.
3. Stay Organized
A principal you always want to remember where you’d spent your money; there are
always useful apps on your smartphones that can help you account for how much you have
spent. When we receive a colossal amount of money at the beginning of the
year from OSAP or RESP, we tend to spend more. However, when it comes to our later years, problems will arise. You don’t want
this to happen in your following years at UTSC. Organizing how much you will
spend is very important. As an additional tip, try to avoid gambling as a means for income, whether on campus or off. Underground gambling is illegal and lots of
business leaders are against it. There are serious consequences that
gambling brings. It is better to focus on bursaries and scholarships to support our financial obligations. For more information visit the Financial Aid Office locate at AA142.
4. Student Benefits
There are
numerous money saving opportunities provided by University of Toronto
Scarborough. So take advantage of them! If you
decide to engage in management events provide by MESA, for example, purchasing their plus cards will be a
wise choice as it gives you discounts on MESA events such
as the CA Facts Night and other student experience events.
Don’t miss out on these opportunities to enrich your resume! Enjoy all their
experiences and save while doing it. What’s
more? Our student union SCSU offers discounted TTC monthly passes. If you travel by bus more than 12
times a week, buying a bus pass from SCSU will certainly save you a lot of
money. The SCSU office opens all day long, so save time and money and purchase them there. There are
tons of money saving options available at UTSC for you to discover such as student meal
plans, parking permits and library resources. There are always coupons and
discount offers at the MESA website and the SCSU home page. Check them out often. You may be surprised.
Ernest Tsang