Wednesday, 3 April 2013

MGMT Student Club Events in 2012-13

As a student considering UTSC Management, I’m sure you have already heard lots of people saying it is a big transition from high school. You are entering a bigger community, a more competitive environment and there will be more resources available to you than you can imagine. I can tell you from my experience, 


Therefore, participation is crucial to your success at UTSC. Our business-oriented clubs in management (MGMT) not only will pave your road to the future corporate world, it will really give you a life-changing experience. I am hereby presenting to you an overview of some key contributions of a few clubs within the management department throughout the 2012-2013 academic year.

Management and Economics Student Association (MESA)

MESA is the largest departmental student association in UTSC; it holds various annual initiatives for students to learn about particle business disciplines. MESA also helps develop connections between the external corporate world with UTSC Management students.


CA Fact Night
A networking event with Certified Accountants over 10 accounting firms, including the ‘BIG 4’. Students will be able to learn from different professionals about possible career paths with different designations. There was/is also an event called Marketing Fact Nights, to network with marketing professionals. 

Live Conference 
A two-day national business conference hosted by the UTSC. Held in downtown Toronto, LIVE brings together the brightest and most ambitious undergraduate business students from across Canada. LIVE provides as a platform for delegates to explore their potential as future business leaders. 

MESA Gala, A Night To Remember
A formal ceremony at the end of the year to conclude all the work MESA has done and to give credit to students with astonishing achievement both socially and academically in previous year.

DECA UTSC was established in 2004 and represents the largest chapter offered by the three University of Toronto campuses. DECA UTSC’s primary goal is to foster a platform of opportunity forth business leaders of tomorrow by immersing them into an engaging, interactive network of ambitious and passionate students that are inspired by each other’s successes through conferences and competitions. 


DECA U Ontario Provincial Competition
DECA UTSC is the only organization to provide UTSC students with the opportunity to register and compete in the DECA U Ontario Provincial Conference. 

Inter U of T DECA competition
A whole day DECA Conference exclusively for U of T candidates held at UTSC. Preparing students for the DECA U Ontario Provincial Conference and a good opportunity to establish friendships with candidates at different U of T campuses. 

The Campfire 
A networking event with individuals from CMA Ontario and business professionals from various industries.

Investment Society
An exquisite student club tailored for students who are interested in financial management and investment trading. Students can gain access to talk sessions by financial experts in the three University of Toronto Campuses through an Investment Society membership. 


Bay Street 101
This is a joint event with MESA, students attend to receive 1-on-1 feedback from some of the industry's most successful executives. This year's team of industry professionals boasts extensive knowledge on: career opportunities, investments, derivatives, asset management. 

Ultimate Trader
A semi-annual stock competition that offers students the opportunity to compete in a real-world simulation of the stock market. 

Passing the CFA
An information session is dedicated to the subject of CFA exam strategies. It covers the do's and don’ts of how to prepare and how to write the exam successfully. 

The Co-operative Students’ Association (CSA) 

The main goal of CSA is to ensure students gain valuable experience through the co-operative program offered exclusively at UTSC. CSA serve as a resource for any Co-op student who requires information or guidance on any aspect of his or her education. 


How to Get into Co-op
An informative presentation on how to get into this program. Such questions as what Co-op is to what is entailed in the Co-op Work Term Preparation Course required to be taken by all Co-op students will be answered. 

CSA Mixer
An evening of networking, fun and food! This will be an informal way of building contacts in the UTSC Coop community to ensure success in landing that coveted coop position. 

How to Beef Up Your Resume
CSA will be presenting an informative 1 hour workshop on what you can do to make your resume stand out from the rest. Put on my experienced coop students – you will find out key industry tips to ensure your resume is at the top of any employers’ list. 


I hope this will provide some idea of the student clubs you can join in the UTSC Management community. Please note that all the initiatives above by MESA, DECA UTSC, Investment Society and Co-operative Student Association, were offered in the 2012-2013 academic year. Please visit the Useful Links on the Management Blog page for more details on upcoming and future events.  

Also keep in mind, there are several other management/business related clubs out there. (The Marketing Group, Women in Business, Chinese Management Association, Canadian Entrepreneur's Organization, etc). Explore opportunities and find a club that is right for you!

Ernest Tsang

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